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2019 October

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

2019/11/01 - Announcement of Public Holiday

Please note that Friday, 1 November 2019, is a public holiday in Mauritius. AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume business on Monday, 4 November 2019. Any urgent issues can be addressed to... read more..

Research ARC

Managed DNSSEC services (Internship@AFRINIC)

DNSSEC is a mechanism to protect the integrity of DNS records and protect end-users against DNS cache poisoning attacks. However, operating a DNSSEC signing infrastructure requires a lot of investment... read more..

Research ARC

Latency Clusters (Internship@AFRINIC)

Africa remains significantly behind other regions in terms of performance and quality of service. This obviously has many implications on the Quality of Service (QoS) of networks in general but also o... read more..

Research ARC

Fastest routes (Internship@AFRINIC)

Network operators, content providers and content delivery networks (CDNs) at times need to know the latency between major hubs before making the decision on where to place a PoP, a cache or a server. ... read more..

Research ARC

Detection of NAT/CGNAT in African networks (Internship@AFRINIC)

NAT and CGNAT are translation mechanisms that are used by network operators to translate between private and public IP addresses. Networks on NAT have private IP addresses and will use a single public... read more..

Research ARC

EDNS Compliance in African networks (Internship@AFRINIC)

After February 1st 2019 major public DNS resolver operators listed below will disable workarounds for standards non-compliance. This change will affect domains hosted on authoritative servers which do... read more..

Research ARC

DNS Open Resolvers in African networks (Internship@AFRINIC)

Public DNS (PDNS) Open resolvers are used by networks operators to resolve domain names. Examples of public open DNS resolvers are (Cloudflare, Google, IBM, etc). Those PDNS ar... read more..

Research ARC

Policy Compliance Dashboard (Internship@AFRINIC)

AFRINIC is the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) which allocates public Internet number resources (IP prefixes and AS numbers) to network operators in Africa. Resources are allocated based on prescribe... read more..


Africa Internet Measurement (AIM)

Benefits of this joint effort Credit system - The probes work on a credit system. When you connect your probe to the network, your RIPE Atlas account is credited and the more the probes rema... read more..


AFRINIC Research Collaborations (ARC)

AFRINIC collaborates with research institutions in Africa to conduct technical and policy-based research. We focus our research on the various challenges that network operators and end-users in A... read more..


Africa Content Use and Hosting Distribution

Internet development in Africa: a content use, hosting and distribution perspective. This study seeks to untangle the complexity of content use, hosting and distribution in Africa. More specifically... read more..


Studying connectivity latency in the African region

Revealing latency clusters in Africa. In this study, we ask a simple question: What is the inter-country delay in Africa, and how is this impacted by topology and interconnection strategies? Our ... read more..


DNSSEC Signer Switchover

Migrating an OpenDNSSEC signer. The goal of this article is to share with the community AFRINIC's experience in migrating a signer from an older version to a newer version of OpenDNSSEC. This, witho... read more..


Lame delegation Study

DNS Lame delegations: A case-study of public reverse DNS records in the African Region. The DNS, as one of the oldest components of the modern Internet, has been studied multiple times. It is a know... read more..


Survey of Anti-Spam Mechanisms and their Usage from an RIR’s Perspective

This study deals with the different policies and technical frameworks at a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) level in terms of anti-spam measures. It also exposes the issue of spam from an Internet reg... read more..


AFRINIC appoints a new CEO

The search for the AFRINIC’s next chief executive officer is over. Mr. Eddy Mabano Kayihura has been selected to be next CEO after a rigorous recruitment process. Mr. Kayihura will join AFRINIC on 04 ... read more..


Update on AFRINIC CEO Recruitment Process

Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius, 17 October 2019 After the resignation of AFRINIC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), it was announced during the 2019 Annual General Members’ Meeting (AGMM) that took place ... read more..


IPv4 Exhaustion: Phase 2 is Imminent

AFRINIC is 1.85 million /32s IPv4 away from Phase 2 of IPv4 exhaustion As of 16 October 2019, AFRINIC has 3.9 million /32s addresses in the available IPv4 pool. We are now 1.85 million /32s addresses... read more..


Message of Condolences to the family and friends of Dr Tarek Kamel

(Arabic version below)   We have learnt with profound shock and sadness the untimely death of Dr Tarek Kamel, one of AFRINIC’s founding members. Dr Kamel served as a Provisional Board of Truste read more..


Announcement of AFRINIC-31 Fellows

AFRINIC is pleased to announce that the AFRINIC-31 fellowship selection process is now complete and the following applicants have been selected to receive a fellowship to attend AFRINIC-31 to be held ... read more..

Results 1 - 20 of 20